Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lighting recommendations

This is a recommendation I gave on lighting for overnight racing;

There is quite a bit, the most important being lights. You will need at least 3 flashlights (per person) - and these will be used on bike and foot. This is the light you want

Don't bother purchasing cheap lights - they cannot handle the rigors of adventure racing, this light will. You will also need batteries, for that get a 20 pack of C123A (the batteries these lights take)

You will also need a headlamp - I use this one

I was able to find this with a C123A battery option, but no longer can find this (instead you use Lithium AA's). The last part you'll need is the ability to mount lights to your bike and helmet. The best mounts (and only) I have found are at


Tim said...


What is the burn time on the "Inova Bolt 4.6 Watt LED Flashlight" that you linked?

Also, do you mount that to your helmet or handlebars?

Thanks- Tim B

ps, do you not use lights when you paddle at night?

Ron Eaglin, Adventurer said...

I typically get 3-4 hours out of it, and the batteries take about 15-30 seconds to change, so 2 sets of batteries is good for all night. I mount them on my bike - I mount 3 lights and when one burns out, I turn it off and turn on the next one. If I am in tricky terrain I burn both at once. I mount 2 on my handlebars, one on my helmet.

I only use a headlamp when paddling.