Monday, March 08, 2010

Stories from the Amazon - Getting to Pavacachi

Sometimes getting there is half the fun. Well getting to the Amazon has a lot of fun associated with it. First we flew from Miami to Quito. From Quito it is a 5 hour drive down the Pan-American Highway to the road to Banos and then to Banos. Of course we had to stop and climb to the glacier at Cotapaxi and a mountain bike ride down the side of the volcano (I had a pretty bad elevation headache - but still enjoyed it). After a night in Banos it is about a one hour drive through the cloud forest, through tunnels, past waterfalls, to Shell. From Shell it is a hop on a small plane to a tiny airstrip in Pavacachi. From there it is a dugout canoe - and the expedition really begins - but just getting to Pavacachi is an amazing adventure in itself.

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