Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Florida C2C Trek with CP3

Here are the passport instructions for this section and also the map that the competitors had with the coordinates plotted for CP2, CP3, and the waypoints. I will let competitors answer as to how they attacked CP3. I personally would have triangulated from the hilltop (north) and the re-entrant (southeast) which were visible from the Florida Trail in this area.

Trek to:
From bike drop take old Jeep Trail East to Florida Trail UTM 358828 3185621 and proceed South on foot trail. No Bushwhacking is permitted within the Citrus Tract.

1-CP2 UTM 361824 3178594
1-CP3 UTM 359340 3176622
Cross 480 (do not travel along 480 on foot, penalty for travel along 480 is 4 hours)
1-CP4 UTM 362377 3175211
Proceed South to gate at UTM 362320 3174230, proceed to FR26 at UTM 360656 3173050, and on to TA2 at UTM 361831 3172801). Check in at TA2.

Teams spent quite a bit of time searching for CP3 which was located in a cave. CP2 was removed from the course. At this point the course conditions were quite hot and some teams were without water through a good amount of this section. The cave did have a foot trail leading to it.

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